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AXIA Coin Staking

Staking is a great way to earn significant rewards that are compounded daily on your AXIA Coin holdings.

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120% APR

Earn rates of rewards up to 120% APR when you stake AXIA Coin.

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Daily Compounding

All rewards are compounded daily, delivering added value that grows over time to all staking participants.

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Patience Pays

The longer the staking term, the more favorable the rewards become as a result of the increased APR and daily compounding.

AXIA Staking Program Frequently Asked Questions

What is staking?

Staking is the process of delegating a fixed amount of your AXIA Coins out of circulation for a specified length of time. In exchange, you can earn rewards based on the amount you wish to stake and the length of time you choose to stake for.

What does APR mean?

Annual Percentage Reward. The rate that you will receive for staking. For example, if you stake 1000 AXC at an APR of 120% that is compounded daily over 24 months, you will have 10,961.91 AXC at the end of the term if there was no movement on price; the original deposit, plus the 120% APR compounded daily you generated through staking.

What if there is a change in price in the coin/token?

If the value of AXC increases relative to USD, then the value of the rewards you accumulated to-date increases by the same amount. If the value decreases then you would receive more rewards based on the lower value. Ultimately you benefit from increases in value while also receiving a hedge against a decrease in value.

Are there any benefits to staking outside of the APR?

Yes. By removing your coins from circulation, you provide strength to the network which has the potential to generate greater value. You will also still earn the same amount back even if that currency has increased in value over time, therefore there is the potential to receive multiple benefits at the same time.

Furthermore, whenever a coin is added to the pool of staked AXC, an equivalent amount is also taken from the Total Supply to be burned. This creates scarcity, which provides value for yourself and all others in the ecosystem simultaneously.

Why are longer terms more favorable?

The longer you stake, the longer that the currency will not be a part of a circulating supply. Therefore, it is more advantageous for both the network and you when staking is set in for a longer term. For you, the yield is higher. For the network, a lower circulating supply means that there is more scarcity which is beneficial.

Once I stake my AXIA Coins, can I still use them?

Staking means that you are removing coins/tokens from circulation. Therefore, those coins are put aside until the end of the term and are not able to be used.

Can I rollover at the end of the term?

If a staking pool is available at the end of the term it will be possible to rollover into another pool. However, please note the compounding daily rate is not only lower with this strategy, but there is also the possibility the APR will change in the future and the particular staking pool may be no longer available. As a result, this option is much less favorable.

What returns can I earn through staking?

Refer to the below chart for all APR rates based on periods staked.

Coins Staking Term Annual Rate of Rewards Daily Reward Total at End of Term per 1,000 AXC staked
6 months


0.08213% 1,161.17
12 months


0.16427% 1,820.47
18 months 90% 0.24641% 3,842.74
24 months 120% 0.3285% 10,961.91

*All rates represent Annual Percentage Rewards
**Rewards are paid out and compounded daily
***Total at End of Term assumes no change in value of AXC/USD greater than 1.00 USD
****1.00 AXC/USD value used for example purposes only
*****Rate of Rewards are subject to change